Our ARTWORKS CNM Art Club Officers are dedicated to creating a safe, supportive, and creative enviroment for our members encouraging creative growth. Join our team and become a member of the ARTWORKS CNM Art Club today!
Letitia Hill is presently completing an Associates of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts at Central New Mexico Community College and working towards her BFA at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design. She has shown her studio work Internationally. In addition to her studio work, Hill is the President of ArtWorks CNM, runs her family's biodynamic vineyard, and is the Editor in Chief for world gas ballooning team, Fly Gas.
Johnson is a grass roots artist; I have never liked the toil involved in gallery searches and finding "representation". Who does? I like the freedom involved with doing things for myself, finding a raw space and inventing a body of work for that space. I hate to take the time away from creating to do the "business part" of Art and therefore, I am usually unsuccessful at selling it and having it seen. I am (in my head) creating the largest body of non-lucrative work in the world. I enjoy falling into opportunities via invitationals, "Guerrilla Art fare", or the occasional "call for artists" entry. I consider myself a "maker of stuff", as I am limited by no boundaries and no specified outcomes. . I like doing everything involved with making something, no holes barred. I am obligated only to myself, to do what comes natural to me. My work by nature is autobiographical - it's all about me and my relationship with the world. Yes, I am narcissistic, self centered and egotistical. To know me is to know my work vise versa. I am a complex person as most people are, however, I tend to complicate simple things, and simplify those that are complex. I would consider myself primarily base; I am definitely not an intellectual. I live my life on a dichotomy, being the optimistic pessimist that I am. My warped view of reality is confounded by the fact that I am constantly reminded that I have no real control over it. I hate that! I can identify the day I became miserable in life, as the day I voted. I am not overly political, it makes me too angry but I still care enough to cancel my father's vote.
Danielle Rae Miller received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her MFA from the University of New Mexico. Her artwork has been widely exhibited nationally. In addition to working as a visual artist, Miller has worked as an arts organizer, independent curator, and critic. Currently, Miller teaches primarily Drawing I and II, Art Practices I and II, 2D Design and Art Career Concerns in the Art Studio Department at Central New Mexico Community College, while also serving as Faculty Co-Advisor for CNM’s Art Club (Artworks).
Debbie Foster received her Bacholars and Masters Degree from University of New Mexico. Presently working towards an Associates of Arts Degree in Studio Arts and Art History at Central New Mexico Community College. Foster is drawn toward Printmaking, Mixed Media, Iris Folding, Book Making, Quilting, and Mosaic/Stained Glass. Foster serves ARTWORKS Art Club as Tresurer and Workshop Coordinator. Foster will be teaching Book Making and Stained Glass Workshops this term. She enjoys working with our members and looks forward to welcoming you!
Lupe Fuentes has received an Associates of Science in Integrated Studies Degree at Central New Mexico Community College. Fuentes has been a lifelong crafter where she dabbled in sewing, crochet, floral design, resin jewelry making, and photography. It was at CNM here she began to learn about Fine Arts and decided to work towards a BA in Fine Arts. Fuentes is currently refining her photographer’s eye by exploring New Mexico on weekends. Fuentes enjoys her employment as a full time Administrative Technician with a local non-profit. She has been known to say “a regular paycheck makes her a much better artist”.
Jennifer Ann Skirvin has received an Associates of Liberal Arts from Central New Mexico Community College. Her artwork has been exhibited at a local diner; Relish Gourmet Sandwiches, as well as in few private collections. Currently, Skirvin is working to finish her AA in Fine Arts with a concentration of both art studio and art history. Her works focus on the use of primary elements in color with the subdued use of subject.
Steve Stauffer is working on a dual Associates of Arts Degree in Fine Arts at Central New Mexico Community College, in Albuquerque. Stauffer served as the former President of the CNM Art Club for 2 years. His curiosities of art mediums include printmaking, painting, and sculpture.